Club Nights


03. Library Night - Hosted by Russell Levinson, Peter Andrews and (possibly?) Sam Severijnse

Books, DVDs, pdfs, video files, downloads … what have you learnt from them lately?

Northfields & "one way stream" Zoom

10. WAM visits the Zodiac Magical Society - Zodiac Team lead by Alan Browne

Our friends from Watford Association of Magic pay us a visit. An evening of rivalry, banter and good magic!

Northfields & "one way stream" Zoom

17. I'll Give You a Piece of My Mind - Hosted by Paul Cavendish

A bring-a-trick night for anything with an Epically Mental flavour.

Northfields & "one way stream" Zoom

24. Feedback Forum - Hosted by Mark Lee

Workshop that magical effect or routine which you’ve been trying to improve or perfect.

Northfields & "one way stream" Zoom

31. Educating Peter - Hosted by Peter Andrews

Several lecturettes taught by an assortment of our very own members!

Northfields & "one way stream" Zoom



07. Pack Your Act - Hosted by Marius Brill

Pack Up Your Magic In Your Old Kit Bag With Style, Style, Style. Show us how you contain & carry your magic effects for whatever occasion - be it a close-up gig, stage performance or just going out to lunch.

Northfields & "one way stream" Zoom

28. Zodiac Premieres - Hosted by Andy Stone

Bring-a-trick(s) which you have never performed before at the Zodiac.

Northfields & "one way stream" Zoom

21. Magician Improvable Workshop

As soon as you interact with an audience member or participant, you are doing improv. This workshop teaches the basics of improv for magicians, building confidence in performing and dealing with unexpected moments.

Northfields & "one way stream" Zoom

There is a charge for non-members (£)

Please contact first to check availability of space.

14. Heroes & Legends - Hosted by Peter Callaghan

Six members will be talking about & performing effects by their chosen magician. Running time will be approximately 15 minutes per performer.

Northfields & "one way stream" Zoom



04. Rex Taylor Mental Magic Competition - Alan Browne (person in charge)

Our biennial competition where competitors showcase their mind's power, to entertain and amaze.

Northfields & "one way stream" Zoom

Non-magician invited guests are welcome at this event.

11. Christian Grace Lecture

Christian Grace is a performer & creator of some of the most original & best-selling magic & mentalism, worldwide. In his lecture, he will be focusing on close-up mentalism both with and without playing cards.

Northfields Only

There is a charge for non-members (£)

Please contact first to check availability of space.

18. Good Things Come in Small Packets – Hosted by Donato Capitella

Who else but Signore Packetti to host a night of packet tricks? Less is more, apparently.

Northfields & "one way stream" Zoom